Virtual Zeta Day 2021

The grand finale of our national Zeta Day festivities was a video on Saturday, March 6. In it, we included:
  • Zeta Day Greeting by National President Alicia Patten Williams
  • Zeta Day and Certificate of Merit history episode of "What the HEC?" with Archivist Patti Cords Levitte
  • Certificate of Merit message from Vice Presidents Alumnae Cheri White Armstrong and Kery Reinkemyer Webb
  • Sisters' stories of past Zeta Day memories and current tales of sisters who exemplify what it means to be "Steadfast & Strong"

As we wrap up this week of sisterhood, we are so thankful for our dedicated sisters. Thanks to you, this virtual Zeta Day was a heart warming, sisterhood filled weeklong celebration of all things ZTA.